Your Telgoo5 Dictionary
Familiarize yourself with online charging dictionary now so that there are no surprises when it comes time to set up real-time charging.

online charging dictionary
Looking for a new billing system for your telecommunication company? Well Telgoo5 is the solution for you. Our real-time charging engine processes millions of transactions every day, and we keep our standards high by measuring against over a thousand possible parameters. Our system can adapt to your unique and evolving business model in a way that ensures that you are always processing payments without interrupting the customer experience.
But before you decide whether or not the Telgoo5 system is right for you, there is some industry-related jargon you need to understand. Below is your online charging dictionary. These are terms you are going to come across if you choose to work with an online charging system. Familiarize yourself with them now so that when you are ready to set up your real-time charging, there will be no hiccups.
These acronyms refer to ‘Business support system’ and ‘operations support system’, respectively. Basically, the OSS refers to everything that Telgoo5 can offer you. Our OSS can be customized to your business, and features a subscriber management system, sales chain management, config and admin panels, reporting and analytics, and inventory management. Our OSS allows you to outsource your billing concerns to us.
This acronym stands for a mobile virtual network operator. This refers to a wireless communications services provider that does not actually own the infrastructure over which it provides services to clients. This is essentially one way in which you can operate your business. Whether you already have one or are looking to launch a new one, our team will be here to support you.
This stands for mobile virtual network enabler, and it refers to a company that actually owns and provides wireless infrastructure. If you own the network that you use to provide services, then you are an MVNE. We can help you turn your MVNE into a profit machine by optimizing your operations, expanding your reach, and growing your subscriber base.
This stands for Internet of Things and refers to a billing system in which all connected devices take part. Think of it as a mini Internet between only the enabled devices. Our services support IoT transitions by capturing and billing for them.
This is machine-to-machine communication, and it refers to two devices sharing data without human interference. This type of sophisticated M2M communication is made possible by the data shared over IoT devices.
A call detail record is a detailed account of a telecommunications transaction. It will include anything that passes through an enabled device.
The billing support system encompasses everything related to the billing process. Telgoo5 uses a postpaid billing system that requires the collection of CDRs so that we can process charges based on actual usage. Our BSS includes CDR mediation process, call barring services, call exception services, CDR rated bills, payment gateway integration, postpaid tariff plan creation, subscriber provisioning (activation and deactivation), and either real time or manual invoice generation.
API refers to an application programming interface (API). It is essentially software that allows two different applications to communicate with one another. It is what processes and delivers your request to the system you are requesting from. At Telgoo5, MNOs and MVNAs receive API control.
This jargon may seem intimidating at first, but once you understand that these acronyms all describe basic processes and services, you will be able to speak the telecom billing and charging language without any problems!
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