Why is it Important to Have a Mobile App?
It is difficult to remember now, but there was a time when people navigated the world without a super-computer in their pockets.
Drivers had to rely on local knowledge and paper maps, restaurant reviews came through word-of-mouth and newspapers, and television shows had to be watched at home at specific times. Back then, it was not uncommon for a telephone user to receive paper statements in the mail and rely on customer support lines for inquiries and issues.
Today, nearly everyone uses mobile data to access google maps, yelp helps us to determine whether a restaurant is worth it or not, and steaming platforms make our favorite pieces of content available everywhere. Considering everything that is afforded to us, it is understandable that telecommunication users would not want to lean on paper statements and 1-800 numbers for support. Consumers today want an app.
In 2020, more than 3.5 billion people were smartphone users. That amount was up by 239% from 2012, and it is projected to grow by another 19.4% by 2023.
Smartphone usage is not going away. If you do not develop a mobile app for your customers, it is likely that one of your competitors will. Consumers are drawn to convenience, so make sure that you are not losing people to another service provider that is more forward-thinking.
There are numerous benefits to consumer-facing mobile apps. Here are a few of the most significant ones
Hyper-flexibility. Consumer facing announcements can be pushed out via mobile apps. Branding changes can be made with the click of a button. Notifications can be pushed to a user’s home screen, and so much more. Communication and company announcements have never been easier and faster than they are today with the advent of mobile applications.
Improved consumer engagement. Keeping customers engaged is a great way to keep them using your service, and the easier it is to interact with your brand, the more engaged they will be. Mobile apps are super convenient for your consumers. This will keep them engaged with your service, and by extension, more likely to stay on as a paying customer.
Increased customer satisfaction. Considering that consumers are drawn to convenience, it makes sense that the more convenient things are, the more satisfied they will be. Satisfied customers are more likely to stay with your customer, pay their bills on time and in full, and refer your service to their friends and family.
Easier customer management. A mobile application can double as a customer self-service solution. Giving customers the ability to track their service usage, pay their bills, manage their accounts, and submit customer support tickets through a mobile app is a fantastic way to reduce your own customer-service costs. Put the power in the hands of the consumer and transition your own team members to larger, more strategic initiatives.
Mobile applications are incredibly pervasive. If you do not already have one, you are behind. If you do have one, Telgoo5 can make sure that it delivers on the benefits listed above. Your customers will thank you.
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