Serve Every Market Better with Superior Billing Support Systems
Telecom operators have evolved over the years from being product-centric to customer-centric. The shift in approach hasn’t actually changed the way things are done on a technical level, but it has transformed the business aspect considerably. Whether it is a fully-functional CSP (Communication Service Provider) e.g. Verizon or just an MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) e.g. Liberty Wireless, the change in business model is pretty evident. Especially the smaller players i.e. MVNO are increasingly focusing on the customer experience who are using their services. With MVNE (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler) handling their requirements on technical front, they are more concerned about the more visible aspects such as billing support systems.
Improving the Customer Experience with Better Billing Support Systems
A Billing Support System is the most important piece of software in the repertoire of telecom operators. It allows them to alter their monetization strategies, offer a better point of sale and at the same time improves revenue assurance.
Essential requirements of modern-day billing systems:
Real-time charging
At the least, every MVNO should have a real-time charging platform. Such a platform is an integral part of telco strategy in the modern times. It allows for consolidated billing service, which is an absolute must-have. As almost every operator nowadays deals in more than one telecom service, it makes no sense to send separate bills. Especially when your competitors are already using convergent billing, you cannot afford to stay behind the 8 ball. A real-time charging system offers greater revenue assurance and allows you to bill prepaid, postpaid, broadband services at the same place.
Greater control over monetization strategy
The complexity of telecom domain is rising as we speak. There is no avoiding the technicalities if you want to be successful in the domain. Hence, it is essential that you have an intuitive telecom billing platform that allows for greater control over monetization. You should be able to monetize every service at the same place and serve your customers better. For example, intuitive platforms like Telgoo5 abstracts you from intricacies such as interconnect billing, tax application, vendor partnership payments etc. All you need to do is mix and match different services to create telecom services plans that appeal to your customer base.
Not only that, a real-time charging system also implements credit limits accurately. It means customers get timely alerts when they are about to exceed their allotted quota. Also, you are provided APIs, which offer turnkey solutions to emerging requirements. Whether you are a Data MVNO or a dedicated ioT services provider, Telgoo5 can do wonders for your telecom services.
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