Prepaid and Postpaid billing for ISP’s challenges and Telgoo5 Solutions
Most people do not think about their Internet connection until it fails them. Every day, people everywhere access the Internet hundreds if not thousands of times. People check their Twitter feeds, look up directions to a new restaurant, read the news, and even do their jobs online. No thought goes into their connection, how it is supported, or even how it is paid for. The only time most people consider the infrastructure behind their Internet connection is when they are unable to access the Internet.
Fortunately, Telgoo5’s billing services help ensure that interruptions do not happen.
Telgoo5 is a telecom billing provider that supports Internet service providers (ISPs) with both prepaid and postpaid billing. With Telgoo5 services, ISPs can accurately and reliably charge their clients without service interruption.
Benefits of Telgoo5’s prepaid billing:
When clients pre-pay for Internet data, they expect it to work when they need it to. Think of it this way – if you prepay for a meal and then arrive at an empty restaurant with an absent chef, you are not going to be too happy. Similarly ISPs need a way to track whether or not they have been paid, how much their clients have remaining on their account, and if or when services are paid for again. Consider it this way, if you are a restaurant owner serving customers who pre-paid for their meals, you need a way to reliably track which courses your clients have been served in order to ensure that one person isn’t being served two entrees when he only paid for one. In order for ISPs to provide reliable prepaid service, they need a billing company that handles the payment to connection relationship seamlessly.
Telgoo5’s prepaid features include charging, billing, automatic workflows such as degradation or plans, suspension and cutoff of services and restoring of services. Complete financial integration and reporting, Notifications via email, & SMS. With Telgoo5, ISPs will receive payment, and end-users will receive exactly what they paid for, nothing more and nothing less.
Benefits of Telgoo5’s postpaid billing:
When clients post-pay for Internet services, their monthly bill varies based on services rendered. Let’s revisit the restaurant example. Most dining experiences represent post-paid models. Throughout the meal, customers can order as much or as little as they want. Once the meal is complete, they are billed for what they consumed. Someone who ordered only a few items will be billed less than someone who ordered a full 5 course meal. In order for ISPs to handle postpaid contracts reliably, they need billing partners who can track exactly how much data has been used, and which accounts are using data services when.
Telgoo5’s postpaid features include complete control over the process of provisioning, activating and deactivating customers, a multitude of billing applications for charging, billing, and discounts, full control over postpaid tariff plan creation, and more.
At Telgoo5, we help ISPs to separate themselves from the competition by supporting whichever billing system they or their clients prefer. We have got your back regardless of how you choose to handle billing.
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